Aggressive. Experienced. Professional.


Let’s Chat

Contact us for a case evaluation.

You likely don’t have time to waste. Contact Kate Bowling directly for a case evaluation over the phone. If you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, you will be given all the information you need to make an informed decision every step of the way. Let’s talk about what happened, and how you can defend yourself. Once the government has accused you of a crime, the clock is ticking and it’s important that you know your rights. Call any hour for a free case evaluation. Let’s get started.

Want to send an email instead?

Use the form below to tell us about your case, and we’ll call you back to schedule an appointment. Please be as detailed as possible. You can expect a call back with 24 hours.


➤ location

120 W. Second Street, Ste. 1715
 Dayton, Ohio 45402

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM

☎ Contact